Open Government Data Feasibility Studies


Open Government and Open Data

Over the past few years, a paradigm shift has been emerging around how governments work, and their use the Web and ICT to deliver better services to their constituencies.  The new approach is known as Open Government. It means rethinking how to govern, and rethinking how the administrations should adapt their procedures to meet the demands and necessities of the citizens. Open Government means a cultural, organizational, procedural and attitude change in public servants and the relation with the citizens.

It is a new form of understanding political policies which are more legitimate and collaborative:

Open Government = Transparency + Efficiency + Participation + Accountability

Open Government Data (OGD) is a pillar of an Open Government strategy. OGD is when ministries and state agencies put their raw data on the Web in readable formats (preferrably, machine readable, open standard formats).  The public can review and download the data, and even create new applications around the data.  The governments of the United States and and and United Kingdom are so far the most prominent practitioners of this new approach, and have established portals ( and to data catalogs.  These data are usable and freely exploitable by NGOs, activists, developers, IT companies, etc. to build and deliver services to people and organizations. See examples ofapplications in UK and in the US.

The Web Foundation has been deeply involved in the OGD domain from the beginning, particularly through founder Sir Tim Berners-Lee and director Nigel Shadbolt, who continue to advise the UK government on the realization of  This paradigm shift is taking hold in other countries, regions and cities, but mainly, so far in the developed world.

Next Frontier: Low and Middle Income Countries

Given the benefits of Open Government Data programs, it is sensible to consider the development of similar programs all over the world, and particularly in low and middle-income countries. This project is a first step to assess this promising possibility. A first study,Open Data Study by Becky Hogge (2010), identified potential challenges and opportunities in low and middle income countries in a general sense. Our objectives is to take the next step by assess the feasibility of implementing Open Government Data programs the three countries specifically, in three different regions.  Based on the experience and contacts of the Web Foundation and our funders, we focused on Ghana and Chile.


  • Develop a methodology and a set of composite indicators that will enable the definition of OGD Readiness of a given country. These indicators will cover different levels, including the political willingness, the public administration readiness, and the civil society interest and readiness
  • Conduct research (via the Web and phone/email interviews) to provide quantitative and qualitative data about the different countries and prepare for visits
  • Visit each country to meet the people and organizations key to any future success, and to refine the assessment of OGD readiness for each country individually

Expected Outcomes

The expected outcome of these studies is a report answering two major questions:

  • Is the country ready to engage in and maintain an OGD program? If yes, how?
  • If not, why not? .. and what must be done before they are ready?


The final Chile and Ghana reports were published in May 2011. The Indonesia study will be conducted in coordination with the Ford Foundation.

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